Tuesday 12 February 2013

End of another term...?

I can not believe it - three more days (after today) and we will have finished another term.

I have had some very successful parent meetings this term.  Thank you to all parents that made the effort to come and listen to our plans for the rest of this year.

One thing we spoke about was communication.  I'm going to try and write this BLOG a bit more often - and I am trying to get a newsletter out each and every Friday to parents of both schools.  Much of the information we give to parents is communicated through Parent Mail - but I'll try to keep up to date on the blog too!

With no Internet at home at the moment, it makes me realise just how reliant we are on technology.  We moved house this weekend, and having no Internet has meant e-mail queueing up and things that usually take 1 minute to "google" on the computer, are taking 10 frustrating minutes on my phone.

Whether we like technology or not, this is certainly the way that our children and their children will be communicating - and many of the technological based jobs that our children will be undertaking, haven't been invented yet!  This is why we intend to spend more money this year on more technology.  IPads for more year groups is a first step, but we would also like to explore other technologies too.

Temple Hill is celebrating its 60th birthday this week!  If you are a Temple Hill parent, please make sure you come along to our open afternoon on Thursday.  I'll be writing more about this special event again soon - but let me leave you all with an extract from an e-mail written to me from an ex-pupil of the school:

 In April 1963 I won second prize in a 'Brook Bond National Travel scholarships & Educational Awards' competition for junior art. The competition was for a drawing/ painting, my entrant was a picture of baby birds in a nest. My confession is (deep breath) my mum helped me draw the birds! I felt so guilty when I heard that I had won second prize because it wasn't truly all my own work, I could choose any book as a prize out of a catalogue - so I chose The Holy Bible!!! I feel better after that, a lesson to all children cheating doesn't pay - hope I'm forgiven ha ha.

Have a good week.