Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring is Sprung!

It is amazing how quickly the weeks zoom by...  It seems only last week we were battling the rain and the wind, and now the sun is out and children seem happier, brighter and more alert.  It is amazing what a bit of sun will do!

Today, myself and my other half are off to "adoption panel."  After adopting our two boys last year, we then began fostering two little girls and decided after a very short time that they should become part of our family too.  Hopefully, by the end of today, we will have the girls approved for adoption, and then it is only the court process to finalise, in order to make the two girls "Ratcliffe's".  This is a very special day for us, and I wanted you all to know.

Being a dad, I fully appreciate and understand the huge amount of trust that parents put in to the school when they leave their most treasured children in our care.  I know that we try our very best to ensure your children are kept safe and secure - and I also know that we do our very best to ensure they have rich, varied and fun learning experiences.  Sometimes though we get things wrong, and parents feel rightly let-down by the school.  I can't promise that mistakes will never happen, but I can promise that we will listen to any concerns that you may have and act on them as soon as we possibly can.  That's why there are always school adults at the doors and gates every morning.  We always try to have an open door policy, enabling you to share your concerns at the earliest opportunity.

The first person you should always approach with any concerns is the class teacher.  They can be contacted by e-mail, or you can call the school, requesting that the teacher calls.  Alternatively, the teacher is available at the end of every day when they dismiss the children - please bear in mind though that teachers run clubs after school, so it may not always be possible to have a long conversation immediately.

If your concerns are not addressed, then any senior member of staff will help you - and I am fully confident that Dawn Funge and Sara White, my Heads of School will take on board any issues raised.  Both Heads of School keep me fully informed as to the issues arising on a daily basis, so even when I am not dealing with an issue directly, I am still aware.

When you feel issues are not being resolved, I am available on e-mail, which I always answer within the day, or I can be contacted through the school office to arrange an appointment.

We want to make sure your children are thriving - and sometimes when issues occur, we need to work together to resolve these matters.  After all, our job is to ensure your child has a full, balanced, varied and fun learning experience at school, and we equip them for their onward journey to secondary school.

Have a wonderful week, and I hope the sun keeps shining!


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Half way through!

Well, the break we have just had marks the half-way point through our school year.  This is an important landmark for our children, as they begin preparing now to move on to their next class.  The year 5 children will be told that they are "soon to be the eldest in the school" and we also prepare our youngest children for joining Reception and Year 1.
The first lists are through from the Local Authority, showing us how many families have applied to each school.  I am delighted that both schools have had more applicants this year than last year - one indicator that we are doing something right!

I am spending some of my time at the moment looking at building projects at both schools.  At Oakfield, we were expecting the start of our major building project to begin in January - but sadly, due to an "environmental" issue, the project has been delayed whilst some more surveys are being carried out.  The five new classrooms and new hall WILL be delivered - but not on time - so it is expected that we may have some more mobiles on site for a few months - not a situation I am very happy about.  At Temple Hill, work has begun to make the school fully fire-safe-compliant.  Older schools, such as Temple Hill were built in the days when fire regulations were less strict.  We are vey grateful to the Local Authority who are funding the majority of this work, which will see a fully comprehensive fire warning system, as well as new fire doors etc. across the whole school.

I am spending more of my time at the moment focusing on learning - and progress made by our children so far.  In order for children to make GOOD progress, we would expect them to make 2 points of progress by now.  This would mean that by the end of the year they will make 4 points of progress.  Teachers from both schools will be meeting with senior leaders to demonstrate effective assessment - and show us ways that children who have not made expected progress will be supported to ensure they get back on track.

It's not all about points of progress though - and I am very excited to be welcoming Anne Fine and Chris Wormell to our schools next week.  These very famous authors will be meeting with our children and sharing some of their stories.  There is also an opportunity for all children to buy a book for the authors to sign.  Here's looking forward to an exciting term!


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Behaving badly...?

I'm not quite sure what to make of all the latest media coverage of Mr Gove's new behaviour initiatives...

Behaviour at both Oakfield and Temple Hill is judged as "good" and both teams work incredibly hard to ensure our children are kept safe and happy.

I am not naïve enough to think that behaviour is always good, but I do believe we try our best to ensure that every incident is tackled fairly.  Parents - please ensure you speak with a class teacher - either in person or through e-mail if you have an issue that is concerning you about behaviour.  Please also feel free to contact myself or my Heads of School, Dawn and Sara for further support.

I also wanted to give you information about the government's free school meals policy, due to come in to force in September 2014.  EVERY child in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 in September will be able to get a free, hot meal every day.  Parents will have to elect for their child to receive a meal but eligibility will no longer be on income - it really is FREE for every child in these year groups.

Shortly, we will be conducting a short survey amongst parents to judge what uptake may be for September.  We have lots of planning to do...


Monday 13 January 2014

Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to all parents, children and staff of Oakfield and Temple Hill.

It seems as if we have been back in school for weeks, and that Christmas and New Year is but a distant memory!  On behalf of my staff, thank you very much for all your kind cards and gifts we received.  They were all greatly appreciated.

I am looking forward to this term, as this is often the term we see most progress from our children.  There are very few distractions this term, which means good progress can be made in reading, writing and maths.

During the Parent Consultation meetings held this week, please make sure you speak with your child's teacher about their learning targets.  Each child has a set of targets.  These are displayed in the back of their work books and "flip out" at the beginning of each piece of work, as a reminder to your child what they should be working towards.  A target is a small step towards achieving the next level or sub-level.  A child's target might be "To use exclamation marks in my writing" or it might be "To recognise the names of common 3D shapes."  Whatever the target, we would appreciate your help at home to ensure your child achieves it as quickly as possible!

I just wanted to mention that on Friday, we interviewed some trainee teachers for places on the School Direct programme for September 2014.  This programme supports the training of teachers in a school setting. This year we have 5 trainees - Vikki Coombes, Tom Gale and Layla Priddy at Oakfield and Charlie McCarthy and Amanda Robertson at Temple Hill.  All five trainees are doing a great job, and I can't wait until they are fully qualified.  They are a credit to our schools and to the fine teachers who are currently supporting their training.  Thanks to Sue Malone, Rachel Smith and Kari Hillkirk at Oakfield and to Emma Watson and Richard Moore at Temple Hill.  Your hard work is greatly appreciated.

For September 2014 we have been successful in recruiting 3 trainees so far, with just one space left.  Thank you so much to Sara Hawkins and representatives from Oakfield's School Council for putting the trainees through their paces during the pupil voice interviews.  It is very important to me that our schools are led by our pupils.  That is why six of our children had the opportunity to grill these new trainees, and feedback their findings, enabling the interview panel to make informed decisions about who to recruit for next year.  Well done children - you were excellent!