Monday 22 April 2013

Term 5 is here!

I can  not believe that we are in Term 5 already...!

Term 5 sees SATS for Year 6 and Year 2 - a stressful time for all involved.

This year's Year 6 children are facing a new test - the first time that a grammar, punctuation and spelling test has been used to assess a child's English level.  I have absolutely no problem in children being assessed in this area, however, sadly for this group of children, there was very little notice and so the preparation that other year groups will have will be considerably more than this current cohort.  We also have the added "challenge" that some of our teachers have never been taught grammar and punctuation themselves to this level, so there is plenty of "checking" and "revising" going on.

I really believe that there should be a high standard of grammar, punctuation and spelling in every piece of writing.  However, we are currently trying to get our children to write more content - and sometimes the mechanics of the writing is secondary to the content and style.  Some parents question this when looking through a child's work.  Teachers want to make sure that children develop ideas and style, alongside good spelling - and sometimes, just sometimes, there is justification for focusing on the content and not just the amount of correct punctuation.

Year 2 children are currently preparing for the Y2 SATS tests.  These tests are much more informal, and a teacher's judgement of the level a child is currently working at is much more important than the result of one test.

Year ONE children will also be taking a test later this year.  The government now requires all schools to assess children in Year One to see their level of phonics knowledge.  How well do they know their sounds?  We all know that we need to know our sounds to be able to read and write - and this is why the government sees it as vital that we must assess formally a child's knowledge and skill.

Parents of Y1 children need not worry - the process is painless for most children.  It involves sitting in a quiet space with an adult that the child will know well.  A series of sounds and small words are shown to the children to read.  The test doesn't take too long at all.  Last year the children were treated to pictures of a range of "aliens," all with strange-sounding names.  All the children had to do was use their phonics knowledge to read the names of the aliens.  What will it be this year...?

Testing aside, the final two terms at school are incredibly busy.  I have just put in a call to look at availability for our swimming gala in the final term.  We are also in planning for our carnival fortnight, as well as all the other things that happen in those final terms.  Trips and visits are likely to increase over the next three months - Year 4 children are off to the Natural History Museum for a sleep over in a few weeks.  Good luck to them all!