Tuesday 25 February 2014

Half way through!

Well, the break we have just had marks the half-way point through our school year.  This is an important landmark for our children, as they begin preparing now to move on to their next class.  The year 5 children will be told that they are "soon to be the eldest in the school" and we also prepare our youngest children for joining Reception and Year 1.
The first lists are through from the Local Authority, showing us how many families have applied to each school.  I am delighted that both schools have had more applicants this year than last year - one indicator that we are doing something right!

I am spending some of my time at the moment looking at building projects at both schools.  At Oakfield, we were expecting the start of our major building project to begin in January - but sadly, due to an "environmental" issue, the project has been delayed whilst some more surveys are being carried out.  The five new classrooms and new hall WILL be delivered - but not on time - so it is expected that we may have some more mobiles on site for a few months - not a situation I am very happy about.  At Temple Hill, work has begun to make the school fully fire-safe-compliant.  Older schools, such as Temple Hill were built in the days when fire regulations were less strict.  We are vey grateful to the Local Authority who are funding the majority of this work, which will see a fully comprehensive fire warning system, as well as new fire doors etc. across the whole school.

I am spending more of my time at the moment focusing on learning - and progress made by our children so far.  In order for children to make GOOD progress, we would expect them to make 2 points of progress by now.  This would mean that by the end of the year they will make 4 points of progress.  Teachers from both schools will be meeting with senior leaders to demonstrate effective assessment - and show us ways that children who have not made expected progress will be supported to ensure they get back on track.

It's not all about points of progress though - and I am very excited to be welcoming Anne Fine and Chris Wormell to our schools next week.  These very famous authors will be meeting with our children and sharing some of their stories.  There is also an opportunity for all children to buy a book for the authors to sign.  Here's looking forward to an exciting term!


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